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PORTER MAGAZINE - Porter - Issue 27

  • $6.00 USD


This is the season when the ocean beckons, but the oceans that we love are on the brink of catastrophe, a crisis that affects every aspect of life on earth. PORTER's Summer Escape issue is dedicated to both celebrating and protecting our beautiful seas, the most important yet increasingly fragile eco-system on our planet. Supermodel Anja Rubik, environmental game-changers Cyrill Gutsch and Parley for the Oceans, and acclaimed photographer Mario Sorrenti lead the charge in our 63-page ocean portfolio. Together, we discover the vast impact of plastic pollution and how we can all become more responsible, rethink our standards and embrace eco-innovation. If a family ever defined the oceans, it has to be that of pro-beach-volleyball goddess Gabrielle Reece and her surf-god husband Laird Hamilton. Plus, rule-breaking screen siren Bo Derek talks about playing the Hollywood fame game and finding her political voice. Meanwhile, vacation style is taken to radical new levels. The sun brings out the bohemian in us; even minimalists will be lusting after romantic prairie dresses, show-stopping earrings and bold prints. And the creation of pioneering new fabrics means we can all join the material revolution. On the beauty front, we uncover the healing power of water: from flotation therapy to the incredible marine ingredients that will revolutionize your skincare regime, and how to how to super-charge your daily H2O. Finally, summer is not summer without a view of the ocean and saltwater scents drifting in on the breeze. So, look to our guide to some of the world's best coastal villas: from St Barths - regenerated and reinvigorated - to the Mediterranean and the distant islands of the Indian Ocean, as we celebrate our favorite indigo horizons. - All pricing within the magazine will be in US dollars - This product is non-refundable

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