iimo 12" Balance Bike - Red - Red
When you are learning to ride a bike, pedaling really is secondary to learning how to balance. Designed for pre-biking toddlers, this bike will build their skills and confidence before they are ready to add pedals. With an adjustable seat, air-inflated tire for better cushioning and rear brake for added safety, you'll feel comfortable watching on the sidelines as your little one gets their bearings. Fast-forward just a few weeks and you'll be amazed by how well they can cruise around without a pedal in sight. Ideal for Children Ages 24 to 60 months Seat height can be set from 14" to 19" 12" air-inflated tire Rear wheel brake for added safety Made in China SIZE 38.9" L x 14"-19" H. Lsd Kids - Kids Lsd Mp > Iimo > Saks Fifth Avenue > Barneys. iimo. Color: Red.